We are an inclusive club committed to providing the best experience for our members both in and out of the pool. We aim to give our members the best possible training opportunities so they may reach their full potential and gain a love of the sport that will enable them to participate for a lifetime. Through training and competing for our club, our members will be able to gain life skills such as confidence, sportsmanship and leadership. Our club is proud to foster friendships that cross over ages, gender and abilities.
Aims & Objectives
Mansfield Swimming Club aims to administer, promote & encourage participation in swimming for competitive purposes within the Mansfield & District area.
The club is affiliated with Swimming Victoria Inc. and is part of the Hume Upper Goulburn District (D22) which includes Kilmore, Seymour and Yea clubs.
How our club operates
The Mansfield Swimming Club Inc. main season operates from November to March subject to operational dates as set by Pool Management. Mansfield Swimming Club encourages all its members to take pride in their club at all events and club functions.
Club training days are dependent on lane and coaching availability. Training session days and times will be confirmed prior to the start of the season and are dependent on the availability of coaches, swimmer ability and pool usage. Members will be allocated to groups according to skill development level and age. You will be advised of your group and session times.
Instructors/coaches are always in attendance and swimmers are urged to make use of this opportunity. There is no compulsion to enter any of the competitions but participating is encouraged. There is an emphasis on team, competitive spirit and improvement of swimming skills.
The club’s committee meets on a regular basis and welcomes input from members on club issues.
Members may direct concerns to Committee Members, direct contact or attendance at meetings or in writing to P.O. Box 94, Mansfield 3724, or can contact the Child Safety & Grievance Officer Colleen Reynolds 5775 1590