Our Fast Friday sessions are about racing – against the clock. It’s an opportunity to practice starts, turns and finishes and swimming fast! It will also be plenty of fun.
Arrive – by 6pm for a 6.15pm start. Any warm ups need to be BEFORE 6.15pm.
Parents – we need your help! Swimmers will be timed. We’ll supply stopwatches – you just have to record the time in your lane.
Swimmers – choose races below. The perfect opportunity to try something new but please be aware of swimmer ability when choosing events.
Week 1 - 33m (for the littles), 66m & 100m (for the bigger kids), 200m / 400m for the biggest kids, mixed age relays Week 2 – It's a Choose Your Own Adventure Week! Plenty of options of races to choose from - maximum of 4 per swimmer. 33m (for the littles), 66m and 100m (for the bigger kids), mixed age relays. Entries via the form below.
We WON’T be setting up our marquees – so please wear a hat and sunscreen.
We will have the BBQ running for dinner purchases.
NOTE These are NOT compulsory sessions – we understand that not everyone can make every week. We DO need you to RSVP / email so that we can plan the swimming groups.
The pools will not be available to anyone apart from those competing.